Open Positions
Ultrafast science with electrons under light-cycle control
Aktuelle Themen für Doktorarbeiten (Stand 2024):
- auf Anfrage
Aktuelle Themen für Masterarbeiten (Stand 2024):
- Ultraschnelle Elektronenmikroskopie
- Messung von chiralen Phononen (atomarer Einstein - de Haas Effekt)
- Erzeugung und Diagnose von Terahertz-Laserlicht
- Quantenoptik mit Elektronen (Theorie und/oder Experiment)
Open Postdoc Positions:
We are continuously looking for outstanding candidates with experience in femtosecond lasers, electron microscopy, nanophotonics or condensed matter dynamics. Please contact us with your CV!
Cool & funny cinematic movie trailer
On occasion of the Abend der Physik 2022, students made a cool and funny cinematic movie trailer about the spirit in our team (in German). Take a look!
There is also a making-of film. Many thanks to the film team and all actors; you are great!